Can You Pack Baby Monitor in Checked Bag


15 Baby Travel Items we utilise (and you should likewise)

Traveling with a baby is drastically different than traveling solo or equally a couple. And a big question is what babe travel items should we bring?!

I vividly think the first trip we took with our son Braydon (you can read virtually it here). Aside from the usual pre-trip jitters that virtually new mothers experience, my biggest fear was beingness unprepared. In that location'southward a lot to consider – eating, sleeping, dress, activities, entertainment – to name a few.

I put everything I idea we'd need on the bed and wondered how we'd fit it all in our luggage. It became very clear that, unless we wanted to bring four large suitcases, we'd need to change our approach and exist very selective in what we pack. It was not an like shooting fish in a barrel chore.

Well, dozens of trips later, we've learned that you don't demand as much stuff as y'all think. Plainly the location and weather will play a big role in what yous bring (think beach vs snowfall), but at that place are a few important travel items nosotros e'er bring with us when we travel with our baby.

Notation: our boys have outgrown some of these items, but both boys used all of these items when we traveled with them as babies. Also, some of the links will accept you to If you lot make a buy, we receive a small commission at no additional price to yous.

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one. Onya Baby Carrier

When we're not using a stroller, we carry our boys in the Onya Baby carrier. Eventually, footling legs become tired and they just desire to be held. My artillery get tired fast when carrying either boy, who are both at present over 20 lbs, then putting them in the carrier makes for an piece of cake piggyback or front carry.

Nosotros besides use it for situations where it doesn't make sense to bring a stroller, like if nosotros're hiking or walking down a bumpy trail. Or, similar in the higher up picture, we're at the meridian of a mountain and we're nervous about our toddler running effectually. We wrote a review nigh our Onya Baby carrier on our other blog – read it here.

More production info here.

2. Mount Buggy +Ane Stroller

The Mountain Buggy +1 Stroller is a new addition to our stroller fleet. We've experimented with 4 different strollers over the by 3 years and notice this i to be the best for our travel needs. Nosotros accept two boys, so a double stroller is essential.

It's durable, lightweight and compact. It has sturdy wheels suitable for all types of surfaces, including asphalt, gravel, dirt and snow. We've tested the stroller on all of these surfaces and oasis't had any problems.

Unlike our Baby Jogger City Select, which we besides similar and recommend, the Mountain Buggy +One folds up without needing to take off the second seat. The +I maneuvers easily with one hand, it has a front end locking wheel for jogging and it has an easy to use foot pause. So far, it'southward our favorite double stroller.

More product info here.


3. Portable travel chair

Our portable chair is perfect for when nosotros stay at an apartment rental. Most big name hotels and restaurants provide high chairs, only flat rentals and small cafes rarely have high chairs available.

We too bring information technology with us when we're visiting friends and family that don't have a high chair available, and then we use it outside of travel situations, too.

This brand isn't the most compact selection, but I really like how sturdy it is. I never worry about information technology falling off the table and it folds flat, making it easy to transport. The material is easy to clean, which is important if you have a messy eater similar Connor. We found it nearly useful between the ages of 4 months to 16 months.

Note: yous can also catechumen the Onya Baby Carrier into baby chair strap if yous're in a jam – here's a photo that demonstrates what I'm talking about.

More than product info here.

iv. Summer Infant portable placemat

If you look at the above epitome again, the one with Connor sitting in his portable chair, you'll notice a blueish condom placemat on the table in front of him. This is some other favorite travel item because it's lightweight, easy to make clean and conveniently rolls into a small tube. One time baby is finished eating, roll up the placement and you're ready to go.

Both of our boys thought is was funny to throw their food plates on the floor, which manifestly makes a huge mess – not to mention the loss of food, which is important when you lot're not at home and don't accept a refrigerator full of food available.

This safe placemat makes life much easier. We put nutrient directly on the placemat because we know the surface is clean and sanitary.

The placemat has suction cups on the bottom so it stays firmly placed on the tabular array surface. We bring it with usa whenever nosotros consume at a eating house, whether nosotros're traveling or at home.

More product info here


5. Baby/Toddler Sleep Sacks

The best invention Always! Whoever invented these fantastic sleep sacks – I love you.

Both boys have slept in slumber sacks since birth and they love them. They are a safer option then traditional blankets and they provide a clean, familiar sleeping experience when traveling. And, most importantly, they arrive difficult for picayune climbers to climb out of the crib or bassinet. We take several sleep sacks with varying thickness and material, which allows us to regulate their sleeping temperatures.

Connor is wearing a lighter sleep sack in the photo above. This photo was captured while on a sleeper railroad train to the Canadian Rockies.

More than product info here.


6. Portable travel crib

Portable cribs are an important detail in every baby travel arsenal. Most hotels have standard pack-n-play way cribs available, but there'due south something nearly rental cribs that makes me cringe a little – particularly with a newborn.

Lately we've been staying at apartment rentals because it allows our boys to have dissever sleeping rooms (we all have different sleeping schedules). Most flat rentals do Non provide baby cribs, so you're forced to either hire a crib from a third-party service or bring your own with yous. I feel much more than comfy having our baby sleep in a bed that I'one thousand familiar with, so I adopt to bring my own.

The Phil and Ted'south pictured above is our favourite travel crib for babies. It is reassuring to know that my babies are sleeping in a safe, clean identify. If you plan to travel a lot with your baby, consider this a wise investment that will pay for itself after a few trips. Keep in mind, yous can always sell the portable travel crib once your baby no longer needs information technology.

The reason I cull this travel crib was price – it'south less than the Baby Bjorn and the reviews are like. It packs up fairly pocket-sized and comes with a carry bag. I too similar that the sides are fabricated with a durable, breathable mesh, and then I don't worry about suffocation.

More production info hither.


7. Portable baby bassinet

When our boys were under the age of 6 months old we used the Summertime Infant by your side Sleeper when traveling.That bassinet isn't available anymore, but in that location are lots of similar options.

We propose you get a travel bassinet that has a metallic frame that folds to fit easily in your suitcase. It's relatively pocket-size and fairly lightweight, so information technology travels well. I like the option to put it on the bed beside me when I slumber. I besides like that information technology has a breathable mesh wall so I don't worry well-nigh him suffocating.

More product info here.


8. Baby video monitor

Nosotros love traveling with a baby monitor. We had a Summer Baby brand and it worked great. Even in a pitch black room, I can see my infant perfectly on the video monitor.

Traveling with a baby monitor is very helpful. Information technology'southward also small and piece of cake to set-up, so we bring it whenever we stay at a holiday rental or if there's a chance we'll need to put our boys downwardly for nap.

It also comes in handy when yous're in a loud environment or far away from the baby room. Information technology gives u.s.a. peace of mind to know that if he's crying nosotros can hear him – and see him.

There are lots of dandy options online. This 1 has great reviews.


9. Baggage for baby car seat

We're big fans of the Clek Weelee and recommend information technology to all traveling families. Information technology's a universal travel bag designed to protect your car seat from damage while in transit. We use it for our Clek Foonf Automobile Seat because information technology's a very heavy car seat, so the wheels become essential. That said, you can use it for almost any car seat.

The Clek Weelee has ii sturdy wheels and a fold-up handle for like shooting fish in a barrel transportation. An added bonus is that there'south typically enough of space left over, so we fill it up with other beefy travel items like diapers, blankets and outerwear. Car seats are not typically charged a baggage fee, and so this is a sneaky way to lighten your checked baggage weight and save a lilliputian money on baggage fees.

Related Do you need to bring your travel car seat?


x. Rise Gear travel bag

The Ascent Gear travel bag is a portable shelving luggage that allows easy access and organization. Basically, the bag has collapsible shelving that separates wear. This allows y'all to organize items and separate clean clothes from dingy wearing apparel, eliminating the need to shuffle or unpack your clothes. It's nice to be able to separate our boys clothes then we don't mix them upward.

I've managed to comfortably fit enough clothes for both boys plus myself (excluding bulky items like diapers and wipes). Information technology's perfect for brusque trips and/or weekend getaways, but I don't think I'd utilize this bag for trips longer than 5-seven days.

Read our product review here – Rise Gear: The evolution of travel bags

More production info here.


11. Tablet with cartoons, games and white dissonance

Tablets have go an essential travel detail for our family unit. Seriously, I don't know how we survived earlier tablets and smartphones. I can't make up one's mind if that'south good or bad.

We bring ii tablets when we travel – an iPad and a Fire Hard disk drive. Having ii tablets means i is typically bachelor for developed usage. Information technology as well prevents meltdowns if one tablet should run out of battery ability or if they both want their own.

We use our Fire HD for cartoons and movies considering we download the Netflix app, which makes information technology super piece of cake to watch cartoons and movies.

We use our iPad for games, music and videos. There'due south a lot of fun babe apps to download – our boys love Giggle Bellies, Thomas the Train and plant nursery rhyme stories.

Both tablets are loaded with white racket (sounds of rain, waves crashing on the beach, etc). At night or during naps, we crank up the book and put the tablet beside his crib. The loud white racket is soothing and drowns out other sounds that could potentially disturb him while he sleeps. It works particularly well during daytime naps, when we are awake and moving about the hotel room or apartment rental.

Read more than – How to sleep in the same room with and babe when traveling


12. Baby/Toddler headphones

While y'all may be able to melody out the sounds and songs coming from your child's tablet, information technology'south likely going to annoy other passengers on the airplane or train. One solution is to turn the volume down very depression – but this rarely works for long periods of fourth dimension. Another pick is to bring toddler friendly headphones.

Headphones make it like shooting fish in a barrel for your child to listen to songs, games and shows without agonizing others. Non only are they great while on an airplane or railroad train, they work very well when sharing a hotel room with your baby or at a public place similar a eating place or buffet.

Braydon loves his Spiderman headphones. This model is well-nigh $xx and has a built-in volume command to protect his little ears in instance he accidentally cranks up the volume. They are padded and stay on head comfortably.

More production info here.

Related – 25 Japan Travel Tips for First Time Visitors.


thirteen. Toddler luggage with wheels

Our boys like to be a part of the travel feel. This oftentimes means having their own carry-on luggage. We let them to pack a few toys, books and snacks for the plane or car ride. They experience like big boys and bask choosing the items that will join the adventure.

We've recently welcomed two Melissa and Doug's Trunki'south into the family. They are made of hard plastic so they're durable and sturdy. They're relatively fiftyightweight with integrated wheels and stabilizers to prevent toppling over.

They also act as fun toys that the kids can ride while at the airport or train station. A serious game changer when waiting for the plane to arrive – but be forewarned, y'all'll be answering a lot of questions past other parents.

More than product info hither.


xiv. Plenty of Tylenol and/or Advil

Baby teething is frustratingly unpredictable. It seems similar every time we travel, a tooth decides to make an unwanted advent. Sleeping in an unfamiliar bed is tough enough for a little one, now add the hurting of teething to the sleeping experience. It's not fun for anyone.

Infant Tylenol and/or Advil to the rescue! Fifty-fifty if your infant is not teething, bring two bottles of babe Tylenol and put i in your day bag. Y'all may not demand it, only if y'all do, you'll be thankful you lot have it. Nosotros typically bring two bottles of Tylenol (it lasts up to iv hours) for the daytime and one bottle of Advil for the evenings (it lasts up to 8 hours).

While staying at an all inclusive resort in Mexico, the floor in our hotel room was slippery tile. Our start born is prone to accidents on a adept day, so it was no surprise that he slipped and bonked his head on the floor multiple times. Tylenol came in very handy.

Keep in mind, your destination or resort may not have children'southward Tylenol or Advil available, and so come prepared.

Related – 10 Common Family unit Travel Mistakes (and how to avoid them)


15. Baby bath tub chair

This i seems to get a lot of controversy. Some of y'all may be questioning this baby travel item and feel that it'due south unnecessary. That may be truthful for your infant, but our boys LOVE bathroom fourth dimension and nosotros endeavour to stick with our bedtime routine when we travel. For us, this involves a bath every dark before reading books.

Without a quality bath, we risk having a cranky baby that can't become to sleep, which is not fun, especially if you lot're sharing a hotel room. Holding a slippery baby in the bathroom is not an easy job, so we use a babe bathroom tub chair (we use this bathroom tub chair at home too).

We use the one pictured above only I tin't observe it online anymore. This i is quite like.

On the surface, the bathroom tub chair appears to be an awkward travel item; nevertheless, it'southward actually very easy to travel with. It's lightweight and fits easily in our suitcase. Because it'southward fabricated with hard plastic, information technology provides protection for liquids and other breakable items that are in our luggage. We utilise information technology equally an anchor and pack effectually it.

Nigh importantly, our boys dearest this bath chair considering it gives them the freedom to sit calmly in the water without us having to hold them upright. This, in plough, results in longer, more enjoyable baths. If y'all have a baby that loves bathroom fourth dimension, you'll want a baby bath chair with you when travel.

B and Cam in Paris

Here'due south a few more than baby travel items we bring when traveling with our baby:

  • Sun protection hat for the beach or outdoor puddle
  • Swim diaper for the public pool
  • Full trunk, sun protective baby swim suit
  • Lots of sunblock! Bring at to the lowest degree ii bottles and go on i in your day bag.
  • Themed ring aids for bonks and bruises. They are a life saver!
  • Travel-sized food containers, preferably in a basin shape with locking lid. Good for transporting food and heating up hot cereal while on-the-become. Only ask for hot water, mix with cereal in the portable bowl, and so close the lid when finished and make clean the container when you get back to your hotel room.
  • Plastic babe bottles. We've tried a dozen unlike brands but our boys really similar Born Free bottles.
  • Insulated freezable nutrient/bottle pocketbook. I can't find the one we use, only this 1 is quite similar. Look for i with freezable gel permanently built into the liner so you don't need to bring boosted ice or gel packs.
  • Liquid dish lather in a small travel canteen. You lot volition need dish soap to wash your bottles, food containers and utensils back at the hotel room.
  • Lots of infant wipes. I know you're already packing baby wipes – this is a friendly reminder to bring more than what yous recall yous'll need!

What about you? Is there something yous ever travel with that we missed?

Share your tips and recommendations in the comments section beneath. Let'south share our best practices so we can all have better family travel experiences. Our readers thank you!

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